
Masterlist number: Official-374 
Cocktail + Recipe: Halloween auction 2020 (Pride)

- Dual Colored Cocktail (Uncommon)
- Everyday Tailfruit (uncommon)
- Glass hooves (Super rare)
- Classy trait: Clothing item (suit) (common)

Name: Ludwig Edwards

Pronouns: He/Him

Gender: male

Likes: Quiet, windy days, Soft firelight, Books and studies, Having time to be alone.

Dislikes: Loud cluttery noise, Touchy-feely ponies and other beings, overly bombastic and loud music, Stormy days.

Pet: Little Sherry

Personality: Sometimes described as having a temper as short as he is, Ludwig really just wants to others to respect his space. He's not one for overly loud get togethers or parties of that sort. He would be most at home talking about the weather, an interesting book, or some weird things going on lately. He isn't all doom and gloom as he is willing to go places with others... as long as its respectable.

Backstory: Ludwig is a Shy, Silent type from parts unknown. He's hoping to find a new, much more suitable life away from the old, cooped up existence he once knew. Maybe some day he'll open up a little more?

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