Prompt Categories

Permanent Prompts

Every permanent prompt can only be completed once per Cocktail Colt.  However, if you get traded, sold, or gifted a Cocktail Colt that has these done you may do them for yourself.  If the Cocktail Colt returns to the owner that has done them before they can not do the prompts again with that Cocktail Colt.


All prompts must be uploaded somewhere any of our admin/members can see.  So Deviantart, furaffinity, stash, toyhouse, anywhere that has a valid URL for folks to see it.

Special Events

Prompts for special events can be found here!

Upcoming event:

Monthly Prompts

Prompts that occur throughout an entire month. Wow!  Each Cocktail colt may enter every prompt once for their own coin earnings.  If you own multiple Cocktail Colts you may use one that's already been used as a main focus as a background character in additional prompt entries.


All prompts must be uploaded somewhere any of our admin/members can see.  So Deviantart, furaffinity, stash, toyhouse, anywhere that has a valid URL for folks to see it.

Bi-weekly Prompts

These prompts are posted and last only 2 weeks.  We rotate them out and some prompts may be repeated with slight adjustments according to the seasons.


All prompts must be uploaded somewhere any of our admin/members can see.  So Deviantart, furaffinity, stash, toyhouse, anywhere that has a valid URL for folks to see it.

<a href=" Quests Assignments" class="display-category">Timber Quests Assignments</a>

Timber Quests Assignments

Here you can view all of the quests provided by our local handy-pony Timber Quest.  He likes to give out some challenges all comers can handle.  Especially if they want to earn some of his special rewards.

Pixiu Prompts

Come here to get your monthly Pixiu rewards!

Snavling Care

These quests are for the care and training of your Cheers Island Residents Snavling!  Each quest will have a description of what needs to be done and whether or not it can be repeated.

Plant Husbandry

Here you'll find all the prompts related to this skill set.

<a href=" Nursery" class="display-category">Mocktail Nursery</a>

Mocktail Nursery

Welcome to the mocktail nursery!


What is this about?

This section allows you to do a series of quests to earn Droplets that your Mocktail/s need to store in their special bottle that they get after completing their first quest.

Once your Mocktail/s have complete enough quests to fill the bottle they take it to Miss Ivy, the head of the Nursery and show it to her.  Once she confirms it's been filled she takes the Mocktail to a special area where they must complete 1 last quest to mature.

After that quest is complete (and the adult/young adult form created) your Mocktail will be upgraded to a fully grown Cocktail Colt, Liquor Fawn, Cocktail Cow, Galaxsea Dragon, Cocktail Fox, or Jello Fae!

Surprise Prompts

Prompts that arrive in the spur of a moment when a neat theme pops up.  Any admin can administer a prompt!


All prompts must be uploaded somewhere any of our admin/members can see.  So Deviantart, furaffinity, stash, toyhouse, anywhere that has a valid URL for folks to see it.

Jello Fae Event week 1

Submit your entries here to get your random prize from the loot table for participating!

Weekly Gift Bag

Click here once a week and submit to receive your weekly FREE gift randomly given from the loot table.

15 results found.