
<a href=" Curse" class="display-item">Werewolf Curse</a>

Werewolf Curse

Resale Value: 3 Gold Cocktail Coin

Werewolf curse allows you to apply
Transformation-werewolf to your Cocktail Colt

With this Curse they can have


Transform into a wolf or large wolf-like dog

They get paws with claws (glass hooves turns into glass filled claws)

Their fur gets longer and fluffier

Some Cocktail Colts get more buff

Their bite can not infect others. But it hurts like hell.


Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Potion" class="display-item">Spring Potion</a>

Spring Potion

Image credit to Ashtrol.

With the Spring Potion You'll be able to add 1 of these following traits:
Trail of Flowers as they walk -Common

Floral Growth on Body -Uncommon

Vines growing from tailfruit and wrapping around tail and rear legs -Rare

What if I want all the traits?

You'll have to buy 3 potions.


Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Potion" class="display-item">Galaxsea Potion</a>

Galaxsea Potion

Use this potion to transform your Cocktail Colt into a Galaxsea Dragon!  Please look up Galaxsea traits in the trait guide and browse the appearance of them in the masterlist!


If you have questions or need help talk to an admin!


Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Potion" class="display-item">Winter Potion</a>

Winter Potion

You may apply one of these following traits to your Cocktail Colt!

Fawn only - coat turns pure white or traditional reindeer (change is permanent)

Fawn only - nose turns red and glows (permanent)

Ability to float 2-3 feet off the ground with sparkles emitting from the hooves

Baked Sweet Antlers or Horns (Fawns, Cows, Unicorns) frosting decoration required.

Trail of frost left behind as they walk (careful, can be slippery)

Snowflakes fallng around them - only from November to mid-March

Snowflake Shaped Pupil

Hooves become ice -can get melty in warm climates

Flash freeze the cocktail to become permanently frozen. Redraw your CCs cocktail in a slightly jagged shape.  May become slightly melty in warm climates. This change is permanent


Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Potion" class="display-item">Valentines Potion</a>

Valentines Potion

Image to be updated

Winged ears
Winged Hooves
Heart Shaped Eyes (Iris and pupil must be heart shaped)
Heart shaped horns for equines/antlers for fawns
Chocolate hooves/antlers-antlers are fawn only one or the other, not both.
Feathered wings instead of glass (feathers must retain the color of the cocktail)



Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Fae MYO T1" class="display-item">Jello Fae MYO T1</a>

Jello Fae MYO T1

Category: MYO Tickets

What you get with this ticket
All Common traits unlocked
Earth breed Jello Fae unlocked

To view the common traits please go here:
Common Jello Fae Traits

You do not have access to the unicorn traits! They are only available for the Jello Fae Unicorn breed.

<a href=" Fae MYO T2" class="display-item">Jello Fae MYO T2</a>

Jello Fae MYO T2

Category: MYO Tickets

What you unlock with this ticket
All Common Jello Fae Traits (except unicorn specific ones)
3 uncommon traits -can mix and match with certain Cocktail Colts uncommon traits (except fawn specific traits)
Traits are in the links below

Common Jello Fae Traits
Uncommon Jello Fae Traits

<a href=" Fae MYO T3" class="display-item">Jello Fae MYO T3</a>

Jello Fae MYO T3

Category: MYO Tickets

What you unlock with this ticket

Jello Fae Earth Breed

Jello Fae Fawn Breed

All Common, Uncommon, and 1 Rare trait (except unicorn traits)
Common Jello Fae Traits

Uncommon Jello Fae Traits

Rare Jello Fae Traits

<a href=" Fae MYO T4" class="display-item">Jello Fae MYO T4</a>

Jello Fae MYO T4

Category: MYO Tickets

What you unlock with this ticket

Jello Fae Earth Breed

Jello Fae Fawn Breed

All common, uncommon, 4 Rare Traits (except unicorn)

Common Jello Fae Traits

Uncommon Jello Fae Traits

Rare Jello Fae Traits

<a href=" Fae MYO T5" class="display-item">Jello Fae MYO T5</a>

Jello Fae MYO T5

Category: MYO Tickets

What you unlock with this ticket

Jello Fae Earth Breed

Jello Fae Fawn Breed

Jello Fae Unicorn Breed

Dairy Fairy

All common, uncommon, rare traits, and 1 super rare trait

Common Jello Fae Traits

Uncommon Jello Fae Traits

Rare Jello Fae Traits

Super Rare Jello Fae Traits

<a href=" Fae MYO T6" class="display-item">Jello Fae MYO T6</a>

Jello Fae MYO T6

Category: MYO Tickets

What you unlock with this ticket

All breeds -earth, fawn, unicorn

All common, uncommon, rare, super rare traits, 3 epic traits

Common Jello Fae Traits

Uncommon Jello Fae Traits

Rare Jello Fae Traits

Super Rare Jello Fae Traits

3x Epic Jello Fae Traits

**Unlimited Epic Traits were reduced to 3 to reflect new cash pricing on 7-9-2022**


<a href=" Fox MYO Tier 1" class="display-item">Cocktail Fox MYO Tier 1</a>

Cocktail Fox MYO Tier 1

Category: MYO Tickets

You unlock:
All common Cocktail Fox traits.

Link to common traits

Common Cocktail Fox Traits

<a href=" Fox MYO Tier 2" class="display-item">Cocktail Fox MYO Tier 2</a>

Cocktail Fox MYO Tier 2

Category: MYO Tickets

You unlock
All Common
Fruity- Punch type
3 uncommon traits

<a href=" Fox MYO Tier 3" class="display-item">Cocktail Fox MYO Tier 3</a>

Cocktail Fox MYO Tier 3

Category: MYO Tickets

You unlock

All common traits

All Fruity types (Punch, Tropical, Sours)
All Uncommon Traits

Common Cocktail Fox traits

Uncommon Cocktail Fox traits

<a href=" Fox MYO Tier 4" class="display-item">Cocktail Fox MYO Tier 4</a>

Cocktail Fox MYO Tier 4

Category: MYO Tickets

You Unlock

All common, uncommon, and 2 rare traits

Also unlock Creamy (milk) type

Common Cocktail Fox traits

Uncommon Cocktail Fox traits

Rare Cocktail Fox traits

<a href=" Potion" class="display-item">Clover Potion</a>

Clover Potion

Traits offered

All changed are permanent. each potion Grants only 1 trait.
Four Leaf Clover shaped pupils
Four Leaf Clover Tailfruit
Trail of clovers left behind as they walk.
Liquid Gold hooves -hooves turn into liquid gold and may leave a trail behind them.  Fools gold or real?  Who knows.
Artwork for the potion provided by H-analea

Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Trait Pod" class="display-item">Admin Trait Pod</a>

Admin Trait Pod

Category: Trait Pods

Redeem for 1 Auction/Founder/Event trait not attached to a potion


Artwork by AnnaM0on


Purchaseable At:

141 results found.